Jan Jan Lyrics - Armenia Inga & Anush

Artist: Armenia, Inga, Anush

How can I stay?
When you are away.
What can I say?
If you gonna tell me nothing.

How can I smile?
When you are alone.
How can I be without me?

Without me we cannot be
Cant you see?
We arent free,
Fixed like a tree
To the holy ground
With my sound
Gotta be always around
I wanna dance dont you stand
Sister, give your hand.

Everybody move your body
We are dancing NOR PAR
Everybody must be ready
Jumpin up with the NOR PAR

Par garunqi,par tsakhkunqi,
Mets huyseri,
Nor kyanqi nor par,
Pare parqi,
Togh hogin govergi,
Mer lerneri,mer dzoreri pare chi mari:

Hey,ari pare parenq,
Ari,ari jan jan,
Hay parerin jan asenq:
Ari yar,Ari jan jan:

Jumping up
Jumping up with the NOR PAR

Let the music make you raise your hand
Sister, here we go.

Everybody move your body
We are dancing NOR PAR .
Everybody must be ready,
Jumpin up with NOR PAR .


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